Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Bestest Friend
The distance between you and IIs only a heartbeat away,For you and I dwell in each other's heart -There forever we will stay.You know all my emotions,Many they may be.You know when to be gentle,And when to chastise me.Two gentle souls deeply connected,Thoughts not spoken,There is no need -For the other knows what one is thinkingEven before they speak.So with all the love I haveIn my heart today,I want to express to youThese feelings I want to stay

To me these poem was a bout the way you love someone in how they

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Huck Finn Reader Response #3

The things that impresses Huck was the brass door knob and in he did not see any bed in the
parlor. It have an iron latch on the front door, nor wooden one with a buck string, there was a big fireplace that was bricked on the bottom, and the bricks was kept clean and red by pouring water on them and scrubbing them with another brick; some times they washed over with red water-paint that they call Spanish brown, same as they do it in tow.( Chapter, 17 pg,77 paragraph 9).

The book is so special because they are old it in it tells about there family history. There was some books piled up perfectly exact, on each corner of the table. One was a family Bible, full pictures. ( Chapter, 17 pg76 paragraph 2).

Huck like the book cause these are wide varites of them. One was the "Pilgram Progress', about a men that lefted his family. I read considerable in it now and then. The statements was interesting but tough. Another was ''Friendships Offering'' full of beautiful stuff and potery but I didn't read the poerty. (chapter,17 pg 76 paragraph 3) It stay that Huck really like to read and Mark Twian likes to read.

Things that are unique about the reading and books are that they all have to do with death. It is suppose to be a spider and she is pointing in the air and huging her self. That she thought about death alot. Cause she worte about it and she was the same age as Huck

Reader Response2: Huck Finn (7-13)

I think that Pap have a negvtiave infulced on Huck because he said he was going down town to get som more wisky sad he hadn't had a drink all day. When he got out on the shed, he put his head in again, and cussed me for putting on frills and trying to better then him: and when I reckoned he was gone he came back and put his head in again, told me to mind that school because he ways going to lick me if i don't if I didn't drop it. (chapter6,page16)

I think that the widow had a postive influnce on him because. Huck wanted to smoke and asked the widow to let him. But she wouldn't. She said it was a mean practice and wasn't clean and I would try not to do it anymore. (chapter2 pg.2) She took me for her son and allowed me she would fix me up( chapter1 pargraph1)

Moral Dilemma

Teraz Bush
English 10 3rd hr
31 October 2007

In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces a number of moral dilemmas. In these moral dilemmas showed what kind of person that Huck really is.
One of the moral dilemmas he had to face in the story is when Huck helped Jim escpe from the slave catchers when they were after him. He had lied to all the people in town in told them that he didn't know where Jim was. In Huck knew he was going to get in a whole lot of trouble if they found out that he was lieing. But he still didn't tell so that should Jim that Huck was a very good person because he did not tell on him.
Huck did the right thing by not telling on Jim and keeping his promise by not telling on him. So that showed Jim that he could tell Huck anything because he rather take a risk by not telling on Jim. If I was Huck i had did the same thing. Cause he would have still got in trouble by his Pap Widow Douglas in everybody else in the town.