Thursday, November 8, 2007

Moral Dilemma

Teraz Bush
English 10 3rd hr
31 October 2007

In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces a number of moral dilemmas. In these moral dilemmas showed what kind of person that Huck really is.
One of the moral dilemmas he had to face in the story is when Huck helped Jim escpe from the slave catchers when they were after him. He had lied to all the people in town in told them that he didn't know where Jim was. In Huck knew he was going to get in a whole lot of trouble if they found out that he was lieing. But he still didn't tell so that should Jim that Huck was a very good person because he did not tell on him.
Huck did the right thing by not telling on Jim and keeping his promise by not telling on him. So that showed Jim that he could tell Huck anything because he rather take a risk by not telling on Jim. If I was Huck i had did the same thing. Cause he would have still got in trouble by his Pap Widow Douglas in everybody else in the town.


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